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A shared vision

A story of passion for grapes and their local varieties since 1919

The Cantina Roveré della Luna was the result of the forward-looking vision of 24 Partners who with passion and patience were able to take care of every bunch of grapes. The headquarters was initially located in Salorno where the presence of the railroad facilitated the exchange of knowledge and communication; in 1953 it was moved permanently to the small town of Roveré della Luna located between Trentino and South Tyrol.

Today around 300 Partners provide grapes to the Cantina, each from their own farms which are the foundation and driving force of our company.

However open and curious to cross borders we are we remain a profoundly Trentino Cantina that for more than a century has produced great local classics. The Lagrein variety is in fact documented in sources referring to what are our vineyards today as early as the fifteenth century, while Pinot Grigio dates back to the last century.

Our numbers

Such diverse terrain allows us to cultivate different varieties of grapes: our 430 hectares are located at an altitude that varies from 200 to 950 metres above sea level.

All our numbers are summarised in the 2021 Sustainability Report, ask for a copy by writing to sostenibilita@csrovere1919.it!


Exposed to the benefits of 302 days of sunshine a year and to a temperature range from 10 to 30 degrees in the ripening period, our vineyards allow us to produce red Trentino wines (40%), white Trentino wines (32%) and Trentodoc fine sparkling wines (28%).


The different soil composition in different areas makes it possible to get the most out of every hectare to create products capable of bringing out the best characteristics of each wine.